Create, develop, protect your franchise in Italy with

Pandolfini Law Firm

Create, develop, protect your franchise in Italy

with Pandolfini Law Firm

Franchising in Italy

Franchising is one the most efficient and profitable way of conducting business.

Italy is increasingly becoming an important market for foreign franchisors.

Regardless of industry sector and country origin, all franchises wishing to expand in Italy successfully need to implement the most suitable legal strategy and to avoid any legal risks.

As you decide to establish and expand your franchise in Italy,
whether you are a start-up company or a mature business,
You need to get the best legal advice.

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Pandolfini Law Firm

Our experience for franchisors

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We have over 30 years’ experience in legal consultancy on all aspects of franchising and related distribution models across a broad spectrum of industry sectors, including: 

  • food & beverage
  • real estate
  • retail
  • services
  • hospitality
  • fitness
  • entertainment
  • healthcare
  • education
  • technology

Leverage our extensive experience in all legal aspects of franchising to mitigate risks and access our strategic advice.

We have extensive knowledge of the franchise industry and its diverse legal needs.


The description of the cases is necessarily synthetic, and obviously in progress. For information about your specific consultancy need, please CONTACT US .

A new franchise concept from Spain in the fitness sector (2023)

The Client Our client was the newly constituted Italian subsidiary  of a multinational company in the fitness franchise sector. The parent company was…

A donuts’ franchise from Belgium (2023)

The Client Our client was a franchisor Belgian company, with over 50 points of sale in some European countries, including France and Germany. The franchised…

A Poké house from Indonesia (2022)

The Client We were contacted by the marketing manager of a famous Indonesian brand, world market leader in the Poké restaurants. The Client has already…

An U.S. franchise of professional coaches for business (2021)

The Client Our Client was a north-American big company, acting in the field of coaching, tutoring and training services to entrepreneurs and medium-small…

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Franchising in Italy - Milan Pandolfini

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Franchising in Italy

Franchising in Italy confirms to be healthy also in 2023

According to Assofranchising’s survey on franchising in Italy, referred to the year 2023, Franchising in Italy continues to show a growth trend, with a turnover increase of 9.9%, approaching 34 billion euros.

The food & beverage franchising sector is flying in Italy

Food and Beverage (F&B) is a sector of Italian society and economy at the heart of the lives of millions of people, in fact, the first European country in the F&B segment is Italy. The turnover in the franchising F&B, in Italy - has been constantly increasing each year, as - international franchise brands appear year by year.

Franchisors: why and how to adapt their Disclosure Document and Standard Franchise Agreement for Italy

Every foreign franchisor wishing to expand its franchise in Italy needs to adapt the disclosure document and franchise agreement of the Italian legal and commercial environment. Let’s briefly examine what adjustments and changes foreign franchisors need to expand their franchise in Italy.

For further information and to schedule a first telephone interview or a non-binding fact-finding meeting, you can fill in the form to be contacted:

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